UAr 70 Day Analysis / Paper Plots

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Individual Paper Plots:

AAr UAr Spectra Null Field [ Plot (pdf) ]
Live-time-normalized S1-late pulse integral spectra obtained at zero drift field, with an AAr fill (black) and a UAr fill (blue).  Also shown are the GEANT4 MC fit to the UAr data (red) and individual components of 85Kr (green) and 39Ar (orange) extracted from the fit.
AAr UAr Spectra Drift Field [ Plot (pdf) ]
Live-time normalized S1 pulse integral spectra from single-scatter events in AAr (black) and UAr (blue) taken with 200 V/cm drift field.  Also shown are the 85Kr (green) and 39Ar (orange) levels as inferred from a MC fit.  Note the peak in the lowest bin of the UAr spectrum, which is due to 37Ar from cosmic-ray activation.  The peak at ∼600 PE is due to γ-ray Compton scatters.
UAr AmBe DMS St Cut [ Plot (pdf) ]
f90 NR median vs. S1 from a high-rate in situ AmBe calibration (blue) and scaled from SCENE measurements (red points).  Events in the region between the NR and ER bands are due to inelastic scattering of high energy neutrons, accidentals, and correlated neutron and γ-ray emission by the AmBe source.
UAr Efficiency St Cut [ Plot (pdf) ]
Combined acceptance of the physics cuts (red), acceptance of the f90 NR cut (green) and the final cumulative NR acceptance in UAr data (black).
UAr 2015 DMS Std Cut [ Plot (pdf) ]
Distribution of events in the f90 vs S1 plane which survive all quality and physics cuts (including veto cuts).  Shaded blue with solid blue outline: WIMP search region.  Percentages label the f90 acceptance contours for NRs, drawn by connecting points (shown with uncertainties) at which the acceptance was determined from the corresponding SCENE measurements.  Lighter shaded blue with dashed blue line show that extending the WIMP search region to 90% f90 NR acceptance is still far away from ER backgrounds.
UAr 2015 DMS Stwo Cut [ Plot (pdf) ]
Distribution of events in the f90 vs S1 plane which survive all quality and physics cuts, and which in addition survive a radial cut and a S2/S1 cut (see text).
UAr 2015 Exclusion [ Plot (pdf) ]
Comparison of spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section 90% C.L. exclusion plot for the DarkSide-50 AAr (dotted red) and UAr campaign (dashed red), and combination of the UAr and AAr [1] campaigns (solid red).  Also shown are results from LUX [21] (solid black), XENON100 [22] (dashed black), CDMS [23] (solid green), PandaX-I [24] (dotted black), WARP [25] (solid magenta) and PICO [26] (solid cyan).

Supporting Analysis Plots:

AAr UAr Null Field Fits [ Plot (pdf) ]
Live-time-normalized S1-late pulse integral spectra obtained at zero drift field, with an AAr fill (black) and a UAr fill (blue).  Also shown are the GEANT4 MC fit to the UAr data (red) and individual components extracted from the fit.
UAr 85Kr 85mRb Spectrum [ Plot (pdf) ]
Spectrum of 85Kr beta decay to the metastable state of 85Rb, occurring in 0.4% of 85Kr decays, shown after the removal of events with the associated 85Rb decay γ-ray escaping the inner detector.
UAr 85mKr Decay Time [ Plot (pdf) ]
Decay time of the metastable state of 85Rb, resulting from 0.4% of 85Kr beta decays, along with an exponential fit to the data that agrees with the expected value, within uncertainties.
UAr AmBe S2/S1 [ Plot (pdf) ]
Distribution of Log(S2/S1) for AAr data (black) and AmBe calibration (blue) data, after the application of a radial fiducial volume cut placed 10 cm from the wall, for events with S1 in the range 300-400 PE.  Alphas emitted from 241Am capture on 9Be, producing a neutron and 12C*.  The left peak of the AmBe data comes from the neutrons, while the right peak comes from the 4.43 MeV 12C* deexcitation γ-rays.
UAr AmBe F90 S2/S1 [ Plot (pdf) ]
Log(S2/S1) versus f90 of AmBe calibration data, for events with S1 in the range 200-400 PE and an applied veto cut. The cluster with larger f90 results from the neutrons coming from the 241Am decay-alpha captures on 9Be, while the cluster with smaller f90 results from the 12C* deexcitation γ-rays.
AAr UAr F90 [ Plot (pdf) ]
Comparison of the f90 distributions for AAr data (black), UAr data (blue) data and UAr core data (red), in the range of 60 to 150 PE.  All data are restricted to drift times between 40 and 334.6 us.  In addition, UAr core data restricts radius to be within 14.14 cm of the TPC center.  Each distribution is normalized by their respective number of events, to make the comparison of their shapes. 
DAr 2014 St Cut DMS [ Plot (pdf) ]
AAr distribution of events in the S1 vs. f90 plane, after all quality and physics cuts.  Shaded blue with solid blue outline: dark matter search box in the f90 vs. S1 plane.  Percentages label the f90 acceptance contours for nuclear recoils drawn connecting points (shown with error bars) determined from the corresponding SCENE measurements.
UAr 3yr Exclusion [ Plot (pdf) ]
Expected spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section sensitivity (90% C.L.) of DarkSide-50 after 3 years running with UAr (solid blue).  Also shown are the 90% C.L. exclusion plots for the DarkSide-50 AAr (dotted red) and UAr campaign (dashed red), and combination of the UAr and AAr [1] campaigns (solid red), LUX [21] (solid black), XENON100 [22] (dashed black), CDMS [23] (solid green), PandaX-I [24] (dotted black), WARP [25] (solid magenta) and PICO [26] (solid cyan).
Argo Projected Exclusion [ Plot (pdf) ]
Expected spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section sensitivity (90% C.L.) of DarkSide-50 after three years of UAr running (solid blue), DarkSide-20k (dashed blue) and Argo (dotted blue).  Also shown are the 90% C.L. exclusion plots for DarkSide-50 [1] (solid red), LUX [21] (solid black), XENON100 [22] (dashed black), CDMS [23] (solid green), PandaX-I [24] (dotted black), WARP [25] (solid magenta) and PICO [26] (solid cyan).


[1] P. Agnes, et al. (The DarkSide Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B, 743, 456 (2015).
[21] D. S. Akerib, et al. (The LUX Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 091303 (2014).
[22] E. Aprile, et al. (The XENON100 Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 181301 (2012).
[23] R. Agnese, et al. (The SuperCDMS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D, 92, 072003 (2015).
[24] M. Xiao, et al. (The PandaX Collaboration), Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron., 57, 2024 (2014).
[25] P. Benetti, et al. (The WArP Collaboration), Astropart. Phys., 28, 495 (2008).
[26] C. Amole, et al. (The PICO Collaboration), ArXiV 1510:07754 (2015).